hi! everyone,
Sorry for late update of daily report of my group. It is due to some technical problem that cannot be avoided.
Day 3 report:
As normal we arrived at the health office at 8am awaiting for some field work. As scheduled, today we had be given briefing by
Tuan Haji Yaakob regarding HIV/AIDS cases and tuberculosis cases managed.
He started his briefing with some statistic about the HIV/AIDS cases. There is 3 identified HIV -positive case in Padang
Terap this year. And he is not able to reveal the total cases that already identified and being treated in Padang
Terap District.
His briefing mainly focused on:
1. screening
2. diagnosis
3. what is the role of district health office when HIV/AIDS patient passed away.
before marriage, it is compulsory for the Islam couples to get their HIV/AIDS screening done before they proceed with their marriage
voluntary with details, whereby such person gives their full consent to get their blood tested for HIV/AIDS
voluntary without name, gives full consent for report but there will be only identification number and the person just can call the office to know their result.
DiagnosisAccording to Tn
Haji Yaakob, the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS only confirmed after the person who is positive of screening test undergone two ELISA test and both shows positive.
After the confirmation of the diagnosis, the details of patient is will be inserted into
CDCIS or E-NOTICE which will act as database for Health Ministry to monitor the cases with the help of
when the HIV/AIDS patient passed away..Close monitoring by the CDC unitThe patient will be wrapped into few layers of clothes and plastics before given to the their family. The patient will be cleaned with
hypochloride solution then a layer of white cloth will be used followed by the plastic cover. Then will be wrapped again with the cloth. This procedure is mainly done in hospitals.
In case where the patient passed away in house and he/she not brought to hospital, the
DHO will be providing the family with necessary things such as apron, mask and clothes.
TuberculosisTuan Haji Yaakob explained very briefly about the procedures and the forms that used in process of treating
tuberulosis and eradicating the contacts
There is 12 forms that used in case of
Form 10A1- case monitoring
Form 10A2- confirmation
form 10A3- investigation (hospital and field)
Form 10A4- record purpose
Form 10B1- hospital record
Form 10B2-hospital record summary
Form 10C1 and Form 10C2 - Contact form
Form 10E - defaulters
Form 10F -
contuination of treatment
Form 10G-
MDRTForm 10J- Tuberculosis patient dies (*used only when the patient is still under medication)
He explained the procedures that to be followed when filling up the forms and also investigating the case.
In addition, he
talled to us about
DOTT (direct observation of tuberculosis treatment). It is normally done in chest clinic in hospital and the patient will be required to come there everyday to take anti-tuberculosis drugs under the observation of the nurses. It is normally done for at least 2 months and more for those who
frequently defaulting the treatment course.
Tuan Haji Yaakob brought us to
Pondok Inabah 1 which located
approximately 7km from district health office.
Pondok Inabah 1 is the private centre to treat the drug abusers and it is recognised by the Anti-
Dadah Kebangsaan (
There we briefed by the
Tok Guru about the drug-free method to treat the drug abusers. It is mainly through holistic methods whereby the principle that they're using is follows
It was new experience to us whereby until now we thought that only
government centers are providing such services.
more info to come as special report.___________________________________________________________________
In afternoon we had pleasant visit by Dr.Sawrirajan.We explained to him the activities had been done so far and he gave some suggestions and instructions that should be done before the end of this posting.
We would like to thank him for his suggestions.
Then we had short discussion with Distric Health Officer, Dr.Latifah. She talked to us about the services that available in Health Clinics in this distric and also states more about the organization chart of the Padang Terap Distric Health Office.
We also would like to thank you her for the guidance and advise given