Friday, August 1, 2008

MCH- d' Padang Terap Team

Day 7

Our 2nd day on MCH clinic began with the short meeting with Family Medicine Specialist. He briefed shortly about the clinic which already briefed in detail by MNHO the previous day.

After the short meeting with FMS, we are explained by the staff nurse Aslizah about the antenatal check-up and we divided into 3 groups to observe the procedure that undertaken in routine antenatal check up.

The procedures are:

1. Walk-in into the clinic to get their number and also the antenatal card. (Normally follow-up cases because booking is done in “Klinik Desa”)

2. Then they’re required to have routine lab investigations such as Hb, RBS and urine examination. (HIV/VDRL test for new cases)

3. With the result of lab investigations, they will come to meet staff nurse for further check-up which will be done in two phase.

4. First phase – patient’s current height, weight and blood pressure measured (Pregnant ladies who had perceived quickening given ATT injection)

5. Second phase – patient will undergo routine abdominal examination and also will be counseled on pregnancy related problems such as anemia, spacing, diet and exercise.

During our visit, there are two patients receiving counseling on prevention of anemia and disadvantages for not having good spacing between pregnancies.

Besides counseling and routine abdominal examination, the staff nurse also in charge of dispensing hematinic medications and also iodine rich salt.

The hematinic drugs compromise of T.Vit B (Nicotinad 10mg; Riboflavin 1.5mg; Vitamin B1 1mg), T.Vit C 50mg, Folic Acid 5mg and Ferrous Fumerate 200mg.

Staff nurse in charge of the unit explained to us that, if the patients remain anemic in spite of consuming all the hematinics, they will be provided with softgel which having higher concentration of iron. They also will undergo serial counseling on food types that help in reducing anemia.

6. If any complications arise, then the patient will be referred to MO or FMS

Our expectation to follow JM to house visit for postnatal check-up is not fulfilled due to their busy day handling the antenatal check-ups.

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