On day 6, Padang Terap Team have visited Klinik Kesihatan Naka Padang Terap.It is situated approximately 25 km away from Kuala Nerang.Today our schedule focused on Maternal and child health care(MCH).Immunisation procedure was observed by our team. When we were there, our group was briefed by staff nurse Azliza.
She explained work loads done by staff there and procedures followed in Klinik Kesihatan Naka.There are few objectives in unit kualiti Kesihatan dan kanak kanak.They are as follows
- To make sure the rate of eclampsia case less than 15/10,000 in Daerah Padang Terap.
- To make sure there is no case pueperial sepsis happens in Daerah Padang Terap.
- To make sure there is no maternal death.
- To make sure 80% of pregnant mother checked by doctor at least 2times during pregnancy
- To make sure the rate of SNNJ less than 100/100,000 life births
- To make sure there is no case of Tetanus Neonatarum in Daerah Padang Terap.
- To make sure 95% immunisation coverage given to babies.
- To make sure 80% of new receiptionist family planning to undergo pap smear and breast examination.
Besides that she also mentioned that children (0 days to 6Yeas) and mothers (Antenatal, natal and Postnatal) are to be the main priority of the Klinik Kesihatan Naka.
Then our team went to outpatient department, Mr.Anuar Mustapha, Medical Assistant U29 briefs us on the procedures and the management of that clinic. There is one staff nurse, two medical attendants, dispenser, and one attendant working under that clinic. Sunday is the day for hypertension clinic and Wednesday would be for diabetic clinic. The other days are for combined clinic. They also provide geriatric, adolescent health care and also quit smoking clinic. Today he just briefed us about the hypertension and diabetic clinic and promised to explain about the other health services tomorrow.
Generally services provided in this clinic are
Ø Out patient treatment
Ø Checking of Glucose level in blood
Ø Checking of cholesterol level
Ø Blood pressure checking
Ø Quit smoking program
Ø Weight and height of patient is taken
Ø Urine checkup
Ø Lab
Ø Medications
Ø Counseling to mental patients
Ø Advice on health
5 strategy of health promotion in Klinik Kesihatan Naka
Ø “Smart Partnership” with government agency, private and NGO to healthy environment
Ø To enhance involvement of community in this program
Ø Knowledge and skills of community and care providers enhanced in health promotion
Ø Health policy is revised
Ø Current health service is improved according to latest technology
Hypertension Clinic
As mentioned earlier, it is held on every Sunday and there is approximately 250 patients in this area and every Sunday there will be around 30-40 patients will come for hypertension clinic. The routine check-ups done and if there is any complications the patient is referred to medical officer and further treatment is done at Hospital Kuala Nerang.
Diabetes Clinic
Normally each time patient comes; staff nurses will be taking BMI, blood pressure and blood glucose. Normal patients will be handled by Medical Assistants and complicated patients will be sent to Medical officer. Investigations such s Full blood count, ECG, Uric acid level done routinely and fundoscopy done once in a year.
He added that there is a project called Project Diabetic Educator begun last September aiming in educating medical attendants and staff nurses on the basis of Diabetic Education which should be given to each diabetic patient. The Kedah state has become the pioneer for the project and participants are chosen according to 1 year test. The requirements needed for being participants in this program is to finish a log book composing of 200 diabetic session in 1 year time. For example, 50 patients those given 4 counseling sessions on different aspects considered 200 sessions. The aspects concentrated in this program are counseling on treatment, diet, exercise and foot examination. End of the year there will be an osce examination in this element for the participants to access the level of their ability to counsel the patients.