We got hold of his video
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A trip to DXN
We arrived at 11.00pm and were ushered into the administrative lobby, we then went to the storage warehouse to meet Mr. Mohd Noor, the Environmental Health Assistant Officer from Food Quality Control Department.
He explained that when(in this case), the factory requests for a Health Certificate, the DHO will send its team to collect samples of the product. Usually 3 samples are collected for each batch of products:
1. The Accredited lab.
2. District Health Office.
3. Factory.
This is done for cross-referencing later on. Among the test done are:
1. pH.
2. Moisture.
3. Total Plate Count(TPC).
4. Heavy Metal( Lead, Mercury, Arsenic)
5. Microorganisms.
The lab results are obtained within 2 weeks and the Health Certificate is produced within a week if all conditions are met, so the entire process is done in 3 weeks. The cost is about RM 80 which is paid by the applicant.
The health certificate is necessary for exporting purposes.
After that we were invited for a ”Plant Tour”, Mr Lim Beng Tuan, the Senior Administrative Executive.
The company’s name is DXN Industries SDN. BHD. Started operations in 1995 as a plantation and was formally registered on the 20 November 1996. This site was opened in 1997. This plant has 730 workers and covers an area of 48 hectares. The company’s other plants are in Indonesia, China, and India.
DXN produces pharmaceutical, food, drinks, and cosmetic products which are exported to 22 countries around the world.
At the start of the tour we were brought to its plantation zone. This is where we first saw the preparation for seeding using sawdust and rice bran. Daily 5000 seeding bags are autoclaved for 2 hours at 125 °C and 11 PSI. It is then cooled down for a day before the spore is inserted in the polybag. The seeding room is kept clean, even unhealthy workers are not allowed in.
The mushrooms are then grown in cabins. There are 124 cabins of which only 4 are opened for tours. Each cabin has 21000 spores. The humidity and temperature are closely monitored. The mushrooms are harvested at about 3 months.
We were then taken to the pharmaceutical production line, where we were told that no photos were to be taken, as these were supposed to be company secrets. We saw how the different products were produced and packaged. At the end of the line we were given 4 sample tablets to try.
We then went to the food and beverage production line, followed by the cosmetic line where we were told about the company getting its “halal” certification by JAKIM.
At the end we were each given some free samples that are yet on the market.
1) To give comprehensive medical treatment to the target group:-
a) Any high risk cases ( referred or voluntary )
b) Mother who conceive
c) Family members or any individual who takes care of HIV/AIDS patients.
2) To give medical information and support to those who in need.
The programmes in district level is lead by the district officer and helped by family medicine specialist, medical and health officer, assistant of environmental officer (PPKP) and the sisters and staff nurses.
Plan, implement and monitor programmes at district level.
Identification of problems and give feedback about PPHIV programme at district level.
Collect and insert registered cases from health clinic through on line at district level.
Plan and implement PPHIV activities at district level.
Receive all notifiable cases and confirm the contact cases.
Drug addicts, who share the needles, having sex partner who have HIV, involve in unsafe sex, from mother who had HIV to the child and sexually transmitted illness (STI) patients are known as high risk cases.
The high risk cases will be counseled:
Pre test
- Given to those who wants to do the HIV screening
Post test
- Test results must be informed as fast as possible.
Home visit by PPKP for 3 reasons:
a) Contact Tracing
b) To give health education to the patient and also to the family members regarding nursing at home
c) To detect defaulters
FORM HIV/AIDS97 is a 3 in 1 form where we record information about HIV,AIDS and death of patient.
To register a patient as a case we need 2 positive results.
Sample verification or 2nd blood test must be obtained 1 week after 1st reactive ELISA test or just after informed by Lab which did the test.
Most cases are obtained from mothers who come for antenatal check-up and drug addicts.
NSP (National Strategy Plan) where by the MOH collaborates with other agencies or NGOs like AADK(Agency Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan,Schools,PLKN,Police) to provide talk and seminars related to HIV/AIDS.
In Kubang Pasu there is 2 PPHIV(Program Pengurusan HIV) that is in K.K Changloon and K.K Kepala Batas. All patients with HIV will be referred to PPHIV and all their contacts will be traced (Contact tracing).PPHIV does counseling,treatment and also lab test such as viral load and CD4.
After been diagnosed with HIV, their spouse and also their children < 6 years old should be informed and screened for HIV.
For year 2008 till 31 July, there has been 8 cases of HIV/AIDS been registered after 2 positive results.
The data from the forms are transferred to registration book and then into computer.
Corpse management
1) Notification received via telephone or verbally
2) Record into the record book
3) Patient record is checked in the communicable disease record book
4) Appropriate tools for corpse bathing (cleansing) procedure is prepared like rubber glove, mask and apron.
5) Visit the patients house and identify the person in charge of bathing the corpse.
6) Proper area for bathing the corpse has to designated.Proper disposal of bathing water has to be done that is into the drain or a hole that has been dug.
7) The dead person’s clothes has to be soaked in Clorox for 30 minutes before washed.
8) Explain to the person in charge the correct procedure to bath the corpse and ensure that’s they practice universal precautions.
9) Monitor the bathing procedure at all time
10) The corpse will be wrapped in 3 layers-
- first layer-white cloth
- second layer –plastic
-third layer – white cloth
Purpose is to eradicate microorganism
11)The equipments are soaked in Clorox for 30 minutes before washed and the floor is mopped with Clorox solution.
Sharing needles while injecting drugs cause 70% of reported HIV infection (2004)
The risk of practicing “unsafe sex” causes 20% of reported HIV infection (2004)
As a response to the 6th. Millennium Development Goal adopted during the Millennium Summit in 2000.
It is the fight against HIV/AIDS that remained to be achieved !
It is about making dangerous behavior less dangerous--It is less dangerous to inject drug with one’s own clean needle as opposed to sharing contaminated needle, and;
About improving Quality of Life--By providing the various supports to IDUs living with HIV/AIDS
And about saving lives--By not being infected or infecting others with HIV
Needle Exchange Program (NEP) is only one of many more harm reduction activities
NEP’s major role is to serve as a driving force towards a wide range of Harm Reduction related activities;
-Information, education and communication on risk reduction
-HIV Testing & counseling…. Condom use !!
-DST services, Half-way house…..
-T.B & STD screening and treatment,
-ARV treatment and;
-Psycho-social and moral care & support.
The Principles;
-First; to help the uninfected IDUs stay that way;
-Second; to help infected IDUs stay healthy, and;
-Third; to help infected IDUs initiate and sustain behaviors that will keep preventing HIV transmission to others.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
JITRA: Preview of tommorow
Pegawai kesihatan Daerah 1
Dr Nor Azian Bt AbdulWahab
Pegawai Kesihatan Daerah 2
Dr Azilan Abdullah
Ketua Unit PPKP Kanan
En Hussain B. Yusoff
Pn Nor Diana Bt Nanyan
En Osman B.Ali
1) Record all the communicable diseases in daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.
2) Prepare reports on daily,weekly, 3 months, 6 months and yearly basis regarding communicable diseases as being instructed from time to time.
3) Conduct immediate investigations for any notified diseases to identify the source of the disease and control its spread.
4) Carry out ‘Disinfection’ and ‘Disinfestation’ procedures.
5) Analyse all the investigated cases besides recommending proper preventive and control measures to District Health Officer.
6) Give vaccination to the affected patients to avoid the spread of the disease.
7) Collect specimens such as blood,stool, vomitus, sputum, food particles and etc. for investigation purposes to detect the disease.
8) Working as a member of Health Team regarding communicable diseases.
9) Prepare and update all the dates, graphs and maps regarding communicable diseases.
10) Analyze all the collected data’s and submit its report to District Health Officer.
11) Identify and detect the patient in order to control the spread of the diseases.
12) File court orders against cases which related to communicable diseases.
13) Conduct epidemiological studies on communicable diseases control and its surveillance control.
14) Educate public regarding preventive and control measures of the communicable disease.
- Cholera
- Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
- Diptheria
- Dysentry
- Food Poisoning
- Gonococcal infections
- HIV (all form)
- Leprosy
- Malaria
- Measles
- Plague
- Poliomyelitis
- Rabies
- Relapsing Fever
- Syphilis (all form)
- Tetanus (All form)
- Tuberculosis (all form)
- Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever
- Typhus and other Rickettsioses
- Viral Encephalitis
- Viral Hepatitis
- Whooping cough
- Yellow Fever.
1. Disease is suspected.
2. Notification form by Medical Officers but Telephone notification is done for certain diseases immediately.
3. Completed form will be sent through (hand,post, online and fax)
4. Records are updated.
5. Investigations are done
PIC 1: An icelined cooler for vaccination storage.
According to the definition of WHO (1993), adolescents are categorized under the age group of 10 to 19 years of age.
To create awareness among adolescents about the importance of leading a healthy life style.
Prevent bad habits which cause ill health by organizing health promoting activities.
Encourage adolescents for their active involvement in health promoting activities for prevention of bad habit and health promotion purpose.
Guidelines for implementation of adolescent health.
Four categories:
1) Adolescent clinic
2) Standard operating procedure (SOP)
3) Adolescents health screening
4) Guidelines to manage adolescent health
Part I
Adolescent clinic
1.1 Objectives: guidelines for health officers.
1.2 Implemented on year 1998.Revised back on year 2000.
1.3 Definition :
1.3.1 adolescent:10-19 years
1.3.2 adolescent health is under the National adolescent health policy
1.4 clinic concept used in all the clinics
1.4.1 services provided by a health clinic: screening management counseling referrals
1.4.2 optional services physical activity in group family counseling health promotion activity clubs
1.5 -services scope in adolescent clinics
-covers health promotion,prevention,management and referral
The service scopes covers
1.5.1 developmental assessments
1.5.2 diet
1.5.3 mental
1.5.4 sexual and reproductive
1.5.5 high risk attitudes
1.5.6 physical
Part II: SOP (Standard operating procedure)
-Management of adolescent health clinic
Introduction: i) Entry point through JPL
ii)’one stop’ service centers
iii) Daily clinic with centralized counters
Facilities in clinic
Medical registration card 96-pin 1/78
Registration book KKR/Fail KKR
Screening form SKR1 & SKR2
Height and weight scaling machines
BMI charts
Guidelines books
Adolescent health services
SOP book fir medical assistance (part 1 & part 2)
Standard laboratory tools
Checkup rooms and counseling
Human models
Flip charts
Part III
Screening Programmes
3.1-Introduction-To identify attitude or health problems
3.2 SKR forms (screening forms) SKR 1-males, SKR 2 –Females
3.3 implementation of SKR –regular check ups-#times (12, 13 and 17 years)
3.4 methods of health screening-guidelines for male adolescent (m/s 37), female perempuan(m/s 42)
Guidelines for sexual and reproductive system
4.1.1 Amenorrhea
4.1.2 Abdominal pain during menstruation
4.1.3 Abdominal Mass
4.1.4 Menstrual irregularity
4.1.5 Vaginal discharge
4.2.1 Underweight problem
4.2.2. Overweight problem
4.2.3 Anemia
Psychological aspect:
4.3.1 Adjustment disorders
4.3.2 Anxiety disorders
4.3.3. Depressive disorders
Attitude problems
4.4.1 Smoking
4.4.2 Gum sniffing
4.4.3 Alcohol
4.4.4 Vandalism
4.4.5 Amphetamine
4.4.6 Acne
4.4.7 Headache
4.4.8 Intentional injury
4.4.9 Non intentional injury
4.4.10 abdominal pain
Part IV
Management of adolescent and flow chart (last page)
Reported by Shanky
Firstly the river water was passed through a screen to trap the branches and large objects. Then the deep seated water with sand are sucked up by a pipe and poured to a small drain-like-connections in order to protect the sucking pump that connects to the treatment pond. At the pond, the water undergone aeration in order to oxidized the ferum, magnesium, and other metals so that it will not dissolved into the water. Through this process, the carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfate will be released into the air.
Then the water went into flocculation pond. Aluminium sulfate or Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) is used to coagulate the small suspension of solids and colloidal materials. This coagulated to form Floc.
Then the water that is free of floc will be channelled to sedimentation tank. The retention time is 2 hours. The water is then percolated through a bed of a fine sand to remove fine suspended solids and colloidal matter.
After filtration, the water is then neutralised with calcium hydroxide to increase the pH of the water as it was acidified before by the PAC. The water is then added with sodium silicoflouride for the purpose of producing healthy teeth among the drinker. Chlorination is the next step in which chlorine is added into the water to kill residual bacteria. The water then is stored in clear water tank and channelled out to the household and another pipe channeled back to them for their usage (mixing chemicals).
After explaining the vision and mission of Ministry of Health, he introduced all the 8 goals of primary health care. He also talked about the organization chart of this unit. We were informed that government has allocated 0.6billion for primary health care. Besides that, according to 9th Malaysian Plan, for the Management of Crisis and Disasters, our government has become a member of an international network called Government Integrated Regulation Network (GIRN). It comprises a system of signaling sign of danger if there is any natural disasters in any country, among the members of GIRN.
There are additional services in primary health care which includes 4 expanded scopes namely, geriatric health( programme warga emas), adolescent health ( programme remaja), mental health and stop smoking( klinik berhenti merokok).
At 1.30 we dispersed for lunch break. Then, at 2.30 , we reassemble again for briefing on non communicable diseases and Methadon replacement therapy.
(Surveillance for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders cases)
This session suppose to be carry out in the morning from 11.30am to 1.00pm but have to postpone to afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.00pm due to Mr.Selva suddenly called in the early morning say want to bring us visit to the loji pembersih air Sungai Petani & Pinang Tunggal.
Sharp at 2.30pm, all of my group members are gather in the clinic waiting for Mr.chong (PPP)k but unfortunately he is not around here . Even he is not around but he got order the staff nurses to bring us visit around the clinic to see what activities and how the activities carry out. We start our activities around 3.00pm. According to the staff nurses this clinic working hours is start from 7.30am to 5.00pm and they only having break for 1 hour from 1.00pm to 2.00pm. Timetable will be attached later.
Today they going to have funduscopy and do screening for diabetes patients. Staff nurses also explained to us how the records of the patient stored according to the last 4 digit number of identity card, gender and race. All the patient records are stored in one room. Staff nurses also got shows us the small record book for diabetes and cardiovascular disorders patients. Green color one is for diabetes patient whereby blue color one is for cardiovascular disorders. Normally patients will come every 3-4 months for follow up but for those the disease is not well controlled need to come more frequently for follow up. In the clinic there is a register counter specifically prepared for DM and hypertension patients. There is also a corner prepared for them to check their blood pressure, blood glucose, weight and also height to ensure that the disease is well controlled or not.
(Methadone maintenance therapy )
Another unit we went during this session is the Methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) program which is conducted by Mr.khairul (MA). According to Mr.khairul, there are 48 clients in Kuala Muda district list who received the therapy. Anyway according to the research there are actually around 500 cases but only 48 come and get the free therapy from government. The objective of this program is to prevent increase HIV cases in the Kuala Muda district. Mr.khairul also informed us that there is a specialist name Dr. Nor Azah in this unit. He also got explained to us how the client get register for the free therapy. First they must get a letter from ADK (Anti Dadah Kebangsaan), after that they need to do blood test and urine test before they get registered. For blood test they need to repeat after 6months whereby urine test for the first 2 months they need to do urine test every weeks then once in a month after that. One step test (urine test) used to detect the abuse of morphine, cannabis and amphetamine. However there is a special urine stick used to detect morphine and amphetamine separately. Once morphine are detected they will stop the therapy for that particular day and they will ask the client come only on the next day, but if amphetamine and cannabis are detected the therapy still given because morphine won’t cause overdose. According to Mr.khairul methadone usually started provided from 5mg and slowly increased to maximum 70mg in this DHO Kuala Muda.
- To find active case of Aedes (Positive breeding of mosquito larvae)
- To take preventive measures by adding ABATE into water tank
- To give awareness to public regarding Dengue fever and Aedes via pamplet
Date/Time: 5.8.08, 10.30am-12.30pm
Law Used: Destruction of Disease Bearing Insect 1975
The officers went house by house. They always introduced themselves and showed their identity to the house owners before beginning with the surveillance. The house owners followed the officers during the surveillance, as required. They checked the flower pots at the veranda, and any other containers that may contain water. Inside the house, they checked the washrooms and the toilets. They also flushed the toilets in order to check its efficacy as the spoiled flushes can be place for the mosquito breeding. If there were no larvae found, the officers add about 10g of Abate in powder form to the water in the toilet flushes and in any water containing pots or containers as a precaution.
In total of 88 houses only 3 houses were found to have larvae. In these houses, after the breeding place of the larvae found, the officers will it to house owners. They then show the empty bottles to house owners before collecting the samples as evidence that there were no foul play present. Then the samples were collected by using pipette. In both the houses 5 bottles of samples were collected each. Then the bottles were sealed and labeled with information like the date of the sample taken, the location of the sample collected and who collected it. The house owners were needed to write their identification card number and sign the label. The Pembantu Kesihatan Awam and/or the Pekerja Am witnessed these procedures. The house owners were given compound under the Act of Destruction of Disease Bearing Insect 1975, section 13. They will be required to pay RM100 each in the District Health Office by 14 days. The offenders are also given extra 7 days notice if they are not able to pay the compound within 14 days.
While in the empty houses where the owners were not present at the time, one notice was sticked in the front door to notify that the surveillance will be done the next day
- Introduce ownself and show ID. Then explain the motive of survey.
- Enter the house only if allowed, if not allowed (or no one is at home), a notice is sticked to the wall telling that survey will be doen the next day. If resident still insist not to allow health officer to enter for checking, then the act plays an important part this time. DDBIA 1975 will be used for lawsuit
- Surrounding of the house is surveyed for potential breeding site for larvae
- If found, a sample of AT LEAST 5 LARVAEs ARE TAKEN.
- Resident will be explained that the bucket contains larvae and show the larvae to him/her
- Explain to the resident that he or she has againt the law of DDBIA 1975 and a compound will be given.
- Before sample is taken, the new sterile bottle is shown to the resident first to prove that there is no foul-play
- At least 5 larvaes are taken by pipet
- The bottle contain these larvaes are shown to the resident again and then the bottle is sealed
- Bottle is labeled and compound is written.
- ABATE (larvicides) are put in water tank or potential space of water collection (both positive and negative findings of larvae)
- Education is given to the resident both verbally and through written materials.
- Sample is sent to DHO lab to analyst the breed of mosquito
Introduction before entering the house.
Consent given. We entered the house.
Surrounding of the house is looked for potential breeding site.
Gan was hoping to see one larvae but none was found.
The 'Abate guy' entered the house.
Toilet was checked.
Water collection for bathing was checked.
Collecting plate under the refrigerator was checked.
Abate in powder form is put into water straight. The chemical effect can last for 3 months.
Health education is given via written form to make the public aware about Dengue and Aedes.
Potential breeding site.
Larvaes spotted! Many of them!
Larvae spotted by health officer.
Resident is shown the breeding site and explained the characteristic of the larvae and how to identify it in layman's term.
Sample is taken with pipet
Sample is put into sterile empty bottle.
Bigger pipet for easy sampling
At least 5 samples of larvae taken

The larvae of Aedes look like this and it is the same as those in the sample bottle.
Bottle is sealed.
Compound is written by PKA.
Reported by Gaaitheri and Gan
The day started at 8am where we started to gather in the Vector Borne Diseases Unit. Our field work for this morning is Aedes Surveillance in Taman Ria Jaya. After the Officers of the Unit finished their meeting,we were told to follow them to the surveillance area. The meeting was told to be about internal auditing and also about the surveillance that was going to take place. We were not allowed to participate in the meeting.
The meeting finished about 10am and we started to drive to the initial location of the surveillance, that is the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Ria Jaya. About 10.30am in the morning, we entered the school. 3 officers were there to do the surveillance. All the places where Aedes mosquitos can breed were checked. Those places are like the small pond, nursery, back of the canteen, and the surroundings of the school.
The larvae were found in the school nursery. The samples were collected in 5 small bottles using pipette. The bottles were then sealed and labeled with information like the date of the sample taken, the location of the sample collected and who collected it. The headmaster signed the label. The Pembantu Kesihatan Awam and/or the Pekerja Am witnessed these procedures. The school will be compounded RM 150, under the Act of Destruction of Disease Bearing Insect 1975, section 13.
After finishing the surveillance in the school, we then proceeded to the housing area, Taman Serampang that was opposite the school. The detail will be described in specific report.
Aedes Survey at Taman Ria Jaya
The entire surveillance session extended up to 12pm. We then dispersed for lunch. At 1.30pm we meet again at the Meeting room in the main building as Dr. Sawari Rajan, Dr.Kay, Dr.Sapna, and Dr. Lily came to meet us. In this 30 minute session, they questioned us about the things we learned over the last and this week and gave us some feedback on topics that should be covered in detail. Thanks to their suggestion that lead us to apply family planning topic from LPPKN which was governed by different ministry.
Visits from the honourable lectures, from left to right: Dr. Sawri Rajan, Dr. Sapna, Dr. Kay, and Dr. Lily.
PPP(K) Mr.Berhan
The next session was at 2.30pm PPP(K) Mr.Berhan. He is in charge of HIV anonymous and HIV testing pre-marriage proceedings. The session started off with a slide show. The first few slides were about the history of HIV that covered the first cases in the world and also in Malaysia. The first case in Malaysia was found in the year 1986. He also covered the mode of spread of the virus, and characteristics of the virus. It is found that blood, semen and vaginal fluids have very high content of the virus compared to the least containing tears, saliva and milk. There were also slides about the opportunistic infections that are common in HIV/Aids patients, e.g like Genital Candidiasis, Oral hairy leukoplakia, Pneumocyctic carinii pneumonia and TB.
The up coming slides contained graphs that contained needed statistics about the disease. There were slides about the prevalence and incidence of HIV patients in the world (1998). Africa has the highest number of both the prevalence and incidence globally, that is about 22.5 million prevalence cases. Global estimation of AIDS patient in the year1998 is 33.4 million and number of death is 2.4 million.
While in Malaysia from the year 1989-1998 the amount of HIV patients were 28,541 and amount of AIDS patients were 2354. The most common age groups that are affected in Malaysia are from the age 30-39 and 20-29. In Kedah from 1989-1998 the most commonly affected race were Malays with 74%, next are Chinese with 14%, then Indian 6% and other races who are Malaysian contribute about 3% and foreigners are bout 3% also. Besides that another graph showed sharing IV drug needles as the highest mode of transmission (82%) in Kedah, next is the heterosexual intercourse(11%) and third largest is the homosexual intercourse(3%). The fishermen are the most affected people with HIV in Kedah, next are factory workers. While in females most of the affected ones were housewives.
Besides that, measures to prevent HIV/AIDS were also discussed. Preventive measures for HIV/AIDS are very important as there is no cure or vaccines for it. Everybody is advised to live a healthy, straight lifestyle. The public are advised not to share needles if they are IV drug users, and do not practice random or unprotected sex with multiple partners. Besides that mothers are advised to have early detection test.
After that, we also discussed the programmes that run for Muslims. These programmes involve those who are intent to tie the knot. It is compulsory for them to fill up the Borang Pemohonan Pemeriksaan Kesihatan which is from the National Islamic Department. They need to involve in Programme Ujian Saringan HIV Pra-perkahwinan. If one of the partner’s test is reactive, that person will be referred to Family Medical Specialist, however the positive result of the individual will not be told to the other partner. If the test is positive after referring to the Family Medicine Specialist, treatment will be started and these individuals will be referred to the Islamic Department for decisions to be made about the marriage.
Other forms that are needed to be filled in are Reten Bulanan saringan HIV Pra-perkahwinan, Reten Modified Syndromic approach. While for the non-muslim they have Programme Pengurusan HIV but this is not compulsory.
Reported by Gaaitheri
In the afternoon 2.30pm, we were briefed by PPKP Silva on water supply and drinking water control. After that, we followed him to a nearby auxilliary for water sampling.
Mission: Water sampling in District Kuala Muda
Objective: Monitoring of water supply in District Kuala Muda.
- Water flowed from its main source the river or lake to treatment plant outlet (TPO) and finally to services reservoir outlet (SRO) and auxiliary.
- Various treatments have done in TRO include the flocculation, oxidation,
sendimentation, filtration and chlorination.
- Water sampling usually done in SRO and auxiliary.
- There are 67 SRO (station) in District Kuala Muda.
- 7 treatment plants are available in District Kuala Muda.
- There are 4 parameter have to be measured in water sampling:
1. Parameter 1 includes the physical and microbiology test. It is done in weekly basis. For the physical test: PH (6.5-9), NTU (nephelometric turbidity units) < color="#33ffff">Location: Auxilliary nearby the old hospital (A012)
Date: 04.08.2008 4.15pm
Team: PPKP Silva together with a PKA and Group B members. (Water sampling is usually done by a PPKP and a PKA.)
Tool Used: water container, Whirl Pack, PH meter, Colorimeter, NTU meter, Soudogaz etc.
- Water from SRO or auxilliary was allowed to flow for 2-3 minutes.
- Water has been filled in three water containers. First water container for PH testing. A probe inserted in the 1st container and PH meter show the value in a short while.
- Second water container placed in NTU meter and it showed up the turbidity value.
- Third water container mixed with DPD (white powder reagent). The water changed its color into pink after the mixture occurred. It is then placed in the colorimeter and chlorine value shown on the monitor.
- Before the sample for bacteriology test was taken, tap water was heated by soudogaz in order to get ride of bacterial along the tap and pipe.
- Whirl pack has been used to collect bacteriology water sample. Technique of sterile opening and enclose the pack was applied. Water around 100ml has been filled in the Whirl pack.
- Detail of water sampling such as the date, time and location of water sampling was stated clearly on the whirl pack.
- Whirl pack has been kept in cool ice box with temperature of 4 to 10 Celsius in order to prevent microorganism from multiplication.
- Forms were filled and samples were sent to labs within 24 hours.
Reported by Helly Chai
THUMBS: (coming up)
PZM En. Wan Mohd Nurussabah bin Hj Abd. Karim of KMDHO
The briefing about nutrition unit started at 9.00am provided by PZM En. Wan Mohd Nurussabah bin Hj Abd. Karim. (PZM- pegawai zat makanan). En Wan is a graduate of UKM after his 3 years studies in food science. We have been told that every district has only one nutritionist and he is the nutritionist in District Kuala Muda. Basically nutrition unit is covering all the matter which related to food.
The job scope of a nutritionist is the following:
- Give counseling to the patient who are malnutrition in the nutrition clinic.
- Received cases which are referred from Doctor in hospital or clinic especially like cases of diabetes mellitus or hypertension.
- Give advise to the antenatal mother who have gestational diabetes mellitus
- Give counseling to the antenatal mother whose body weight did not increased correspondent to her period of pregnancy and so on.
We have been told by En Wan that there are difference between nutritionist and dietitian. Dietitian is the one who usually worked in hospital. They treat uncontrolled cases while the patient is in the hospital. There is no followed up done by the dietitian. Meanwhile, Nutritionist worked in the district health office. They serve more on community, prevent people from getting sick and treat those who were discharged from hospital.
The patient will come to visit nutritionist every month. Details such as diet recall for 24 hours, the main meal time, quantity, quality and way of food processing have been asked by nutritionist. This has done in order to calculate the daily calorie of patient and make sure their food is good and suitable for them. Daily calorie for a healthy adult is 2000 to 2500 calorie while 1500 to 1800 calorie for child. According to their diet habit, advice and diet modification have been given to patient.
The main activities held by nutrition unit include:
- Survey IDD (iodine deficiency disorder)
- Program kekurangan zat makanan (KZM)
- Program Penyusuan susu ibu (PSI)
Survey IDD
It has been started for more than 20 years. This is a randomized survey which concentrated on school student. Sample of urine is taken to measure the value of iodine within the body. There was found in the survey that IDD was serious not only in the rural area which is far away from the sea such as Sabah and Sarawak, many cases of low iodine found in the student of Kuala Muda. Some steps have been taken by the government to control this problem such as provide the iodinated salt in the market and setting up the iodinator in the main pipe. Iodinator has been settled up in a few places which are far away from the sea such as Sik and Padang Serai.
Program Kekurangan Zat Makanan (KZM)
The program cover for children aged 6 months to 7 years old. It has been categorized into yellow and red color where yellow are child who lack of nutrition and red are the serious cases. Under the program, the family income per capita less than RM87 can apply for aid in the form of food basket.
Food basket contains:
- Carbohydrate: rice, noodle, biscuit, flour etc.
- Protein : Ikan bilis, bean
- Fat : full cream milk(1kg)
- Multivitamins
Each food basket contains of 180% of calorie. Food basket provided for a child at least 6 months dependent on their health condition. If it is necessary, the child will be received the aids until the age of 7 years old. So far, we have been told by En Wan that district Kuala Muda has 14 of such cases in year 2008. Staff from district will make the monthly visit to the house of those received food basket. Recipient is also obligate to join all the activities which are held by nutrition unit. Besides that, child with congenital problem can apply for the food basket.
Program Penyusuan Susu Ibu (PSI)
It is a program promoted by WHO and held in worldwide. It concentrates on exclusive breast feeding where only breast milk is feed to child until the age of 6 months. In order to enforce the program, baby friendly hospital initiative (BFHI) has been settled up. Under this policy:
- 80% of staff include the doctor and specialist are obligate to attend breast feeding
courses for 18 hours.
- No milk bottle or artificial nipple should be placed in the hospital.
- Staff should encourage and support postnatal mother to feed their child with breast milk.
- Postal and pamphlet related to breast feeding should provide to the mother.
- Talk about breast milk feeding is provided to antenatal mother.
- Staff nurse who made the 1st postnatal visit should educate and give practical to the mother about breast feeding.
- No advertisement for formulated milk is allowed in the hospital.
Besides this entire program, nutrition also held some program for obesity in adolescent and body weight management program. Activities such as jungle tracking, hiking were organized by them in order to promote healthy lifestyle among younger generation.
Reported by Helly Chai
During the post natal visit, the neonate is assessed as below:
head circumference
general well being
-alter bowel habit
-problems related to micturation
-feeding problem
-skin problem
5. Vital signs
-respiratory rate (normal 40-60/min)
-heart rate (normal 120-160/min)
6. Examination of the head
7. Examination of neck
8. Examination of eye
-abnormal e.g. congenital ptosis, squint
-abnormal conjunctiva
9. Examination of mouth
-cleft palate
-cleft lip
-oral thrush
10. Examination of ears
11. Respiratory system
-abnormalities in the nose
-sub/intercoastal recessation
-shape of chest wall
-breath sound
12. Cardiovascular system
-femoral pulse
13. Gastrointestinal system
-patency of anus
14. Genitalia
-male: testis, penis, scrotum
-female: imperforated hymen, discharge
15. Musculoskeletal system
-fingers and toes
-clubfoot / CTEV
-hip dislocation
16. Neurological system
-reflex ( moro / grasp / rooting)
The mother is assessed for:
a) general well being
b) temperature
c) blood pressure
d) pulse rate
e) breast examination
f) SFH
g) Perineum
h) Lokia
i) Urine albumin/sugar
j) BO/PU
k) Signs and symptoms of pulmonary thromboembolism
We were also briefed about the colour coding system which includes:
White 1: Deliver in hospital
a) primigravida
b) age <18>40
c) gravida 6 and above
d) height <145>145
f) age >18 or <40>37 and <41>2 kg and <3.5kg>3)
g) unsure of LMp
h) Past obstetric history e.g caesarean, DM, eclampsia, hypertension, prenatal death, perineum tear of grade 3, postpartum hemorrhage, instrumental delivery, baby weight <2.5kg>4.0kg
i) High blood pressure (140/90 mmHg) with urine albumin negative
j) Hb <>2kg in a week)
n) Weight >80kg
o) SFH more or less than 4 cm compared to POA
p) Malposition with no signs of delivery in >34 week
q) Head not engaged
Yellow: Refer to family health specialist or O&G specialist clinic
a) HIV +ve
b) Hepatitis B+ve
c) DM
d) Reduce fetal movement when >32 weeks
e) Gestation more than 7 days than given EDD
f) More than 1 fetus
Red: Immediate admission to hospital
a) eclampsia
b) pre eclampsia or BP >160/110mmHg
c) chest pain with symptoms such as palpitation, shortness of breath
d) Shortness of breath noted while performing simple task e.g. Sweeping, washing dishes
e) Uncontrolled DM
f) Abnormal fetal heart rate
g) Anemia
h) Premature contraction
i) Leaking liquor without contraction
j) Sudden exacerbation of asthma
k) Antepartum hemorrhage
Reported by Rathna
PPKP Mr. Kammarudin (BAKAS unit)
BAKAS activity is the continuation of the activity done since early 1960s - it emphasis on preventing the spread of communicable disease in terms to improve the health status of the suburban community by providing hygienic environment.
Main BAKAS Component:
1. Water supply project: Piping system (sistem sambungan paip JKR/KKM
- Gravity Water Supply system (sistem Bekalan Air Graviti : water sampling in this system is done twice yearly, if any outbreak sampling is done more frequently).
- Controlled well system (Sistem Telaga Terkawal) - not done anymore
- Rain water reservoir System (sistem tadahan air hujan) - not done anymore
2. Sanitation Project
- Building of flush toilet
- Sewerage system
- Solid waste disposal system
3. Maintenance, upgrading and replacing the above system
According to Mr. Kamarudin, a budget of RM 114000 is allocated annually to this unit to carry out their activities.
When a request is made by villager is for subsidised their sanitation system. BAKAS unit first registers the request and will decide whether or not to give the subsidy. It is given based on three criterion:
- family below poverty line (PPRT)
- disable people
- single mother
After the briefing, we went to a village in Bedong where BAKAS unit had built a sullage system and pit latrine for the village houses there. This visit was to survey and to make sure that the project has been completed.
Water sullage system.
Water sullage cok.
In the sullage system, a sink is built outside the house and the sullage is connected outside into a hole called 'cok'. The 'cok' is the comes in various size but normally is 3 feet x 3 feet cylinder. The bottom end of the cylinder cok is open but the top is covered with a cement cover which has a hole in the centre of the circle for future suction. This cok is burried into the water-absorbedable-earth up to the level just before the cover. A pipe from sink is attached on feet below to the cover onto the body of the cylinder. Water with small wasteis release out from the sink and enter into the cok and in turn it is absorbed into the soil while for the pit latrine, the human waste is collected into a similar cok. Once the pit latrine is full, a new set of pit latrine will be done but for the water sullage cok, the waste will be sucked out through the small 2 inches in diameter hole in the center of the cover. New water sullage system is made if frequent spills occur.
Pit latrine at the back of toilet.
After the field work, we had a small photo taking session before taking off.
Photo session.
About 2.30p.m. we gathered at the maternal and child health unit and we were greeted by Sister Zainab. She then introduced us to her other staffs. Sister Ponnu then took over the session to brief us on antenatal and postnatal checkup.
The maternal and child health clinic in the Kuala Muda district is open from Sunday to Wednesday. Some of the services provided in this clinic include:
- antenatal and postnatal checkups
- pap smear
- vaccination
Other than this the nurses in the clinic also goes for home visits. Normally 4 visits are done if there are no any complications during the pregnancy. In case of any complications then more number of home visits is done. The pregnant mother also requires coming for her antenatal checkup in the health clinic. During her first 28 weeks of pregnancy she has to visit the clinic once a month while from the 28-36 week she has to come once in 2 weeks and after the 36 week of pregnancy she has to come weekly for follow up.
Reported by Rathna